What kind of situation will be in laser cutting machine industry in the future?

【Laser Cutting Machine】In order to promote rapid growth and development of Chinese Laser Cutting Machine industry,we should vigorously improve the quality of laser products,and actively explore the domestic and international laser market,speed up the internationalization of the laser industry.Laser and laser application technology are very fast developed high-tech technology,high-power fiber laser is developing very fast in recent years,industrial high-power fiber laser output power and beam quality will be further improved,thus further expanding its industrial applications.


At present engaged in research, development, production and application persons in laser industry are total more than 60,000,scientific and technical personnel accounting for 50%,management personnel accounting for 14%,senior titles personnel accounting for 30%,which has formed industry team with considerable strength.China has been distributed in dozens of cities about 100 laser processing workstations for enterprise services,more than 150 laser equipment manufacturers,there are several listed companies of leading laser products.In the future as one of the pioneers who develops fiber laser cutting machines,insist the spirit of "walk open road,create an international brand" business philosophy,we will develop fiber laser cutting machine manufacturing industry into high-tech industry group with core competitiveness, complete industry structure,excellent economic benefits.Successful application of Chinese laser processing technology in national economy,led the rapid development of laser product market, Chinese laser industry has formed scale.


Zhouxiang is a professional laser cutting machine manufacturer,the products are exported to Europe and the United States and Southeast Asia.

For Laser cutting machine price and details, please contact us as follows.